Monday, November 21, 2005

This just in: Blissful, Beatific Bony Buddha Boy Baffles Bara

Coming Distractions: Siren's next destination

Pilgrims flock to see 'Buddha boy'- said to have fasted six months
Source: the UK Telegraph
By Thomas Bell in Bara District, Nepal
(Filed: 21/11/2005) Thousands of pilgrims are pouring into the dense jungle of southern Nepal to worship a 15-year-old boy who has been hailed as a new Buddha. Devotees claim that Ram Bomjon, who is silently meditating beneath a tree, has not eaten or drunk anything since he sat down at his chosen spot six months ago. Witnesses say they have seen light emanating from the teenager's forehead.

Full story at

They're already selling photos and trinkets; why not a snowdome with the boy seated blissfully beneath the tree? When you shake it, all the bits of litter and trash from the tourists, paper money and coin "offerings" can come raining down on him.


Christian Prophet said...

Over on The Christian Prophet blog the Holy Spirit speaks highly of this boy. The message guides against visiting the boy, but says it only takes one to overcome a million terrorists.

Sirensongs: Indologist At Large said...

By that, do they mean that it only takes one meditating saint to overcome terrorists? Or only one dedicated individual? I would sincerely like to know what they mean. Please let me know, and thanks for tuning in. I am going to visit the boy later this week since he's only a 4 hour bus ride away.

I viewed your profile - I am also the Year of the Rabbit.

Anonymous said...

Hi found you page through IndiaMike where I'm byronic501.

At frist it was tottally bothering me that there was all this commercialism growing around the boy. Then I thought, well I am sure it is not bothering the boy, as by all means, his higherpower would have placed him somewhere more secluded had less attention been part of his dharma. So he is there, and the commerce and people, and noise, all round him are there for some reason, beyond my comprehension. It is what it is right? And if it was supposed to be something else, then I am sure it would be something else.
I'm eager to hear your report from his spot!!! Thanks for posting this, I had not heard of it at all.