Wednesday, March 04, 2009


As suggested, I have added the Following Widget, but seem to have deleted most everything else on the Sidebar.

It'll all get back to normal in a few weeks when I return from a trek to East Nepal. See you after March 22, and happy Spring Equinox, Holi, Passover and Easter.


Leaf Dharma said...

I'm looking for the little yellow idol to the north of Kathmandu. Do you know where I can find it?

Unknown said...

Deleted almost everything on the sidebar? I thought I told you to delete the whole site! It's just an exercise in "read me, read me!" So desperate to be read are you not?

Sirensongs said...

Isn't that the raison d'etre of a be read? If you don't like it, you can leave.

Jm said...

wow.. people are still behaving like people. I find it a fast, easy and enjoyable read. press on